Alumni Fellows

Your name is written in the Book of Scholars.  And because of that, you are made for something more. You want to ensure that Blount survives and thrives for generations to come, because Blount was so much more than a minor; it was (and remains) a way to connect you with great friends, to introduce you to faculty who challenge you to think critically, and to allow you to read and think more broadly than you imagined possible.

That’s where the Blount Alumni Fellows come in.  In 2017, a small group of Blount alumni got together to form the organization so we could stay connected with Blount and work to help the program in meaningful ways. Here’s the rundown:
  • Who: Alumni (or friends) of Blount
  • What: An organization designed to keep members connected with what’s going on currently with Blount and provide a way for alumni to stay connected with each other. Our dues provide financial support for Blount students. As members, we get to vote on exactly how our money is spent and which initiatives we support.
  • When: We meet once in the fall and once in the spring.
  • Where: Those who are able to join in person meet in OB or Toumey, but you don’t have to travel to join us. We always have members join our meetings via videoconferencing.
  • Why: We are keepers of traditions. We are custodians of knowledge. We are guardians of legacy. And by Winton, they will listen to us. We exist to support Blount in any way we can from helping with recruitment, providing financial support, advocating on behalf of Blount, and helping current students with career development and mentoring.

So would you join us? Click on the Join or Donate tab above. Even if you can’t join us, please consider donating to the Blount Alumni Fellows. Our first big goal is to be able to give Blount students copies of all their readings for the Foundations Blount class. This will ease the financial burden for Blount students and can help in recruitment too. What student wouldn’t want to be part of a program with such great alumni?