The Average Blountee

As you (or your child) are moving through your college preparation process, you might be wondering about the kinds of people who join Blount. Is it all philosophy majors? Can I still do Blount and other minors? Will my university trajectory fit in with current Blountees? We’ve got the answers. We’ve compiled a census of (almost) all Blountees from the entering cohort of 2022 to the cohort graduating in 2023. Peruse the data below to satisfy your curiosity.

Colleges: where are most Blountees housed?

Recall that Blount is located in the College of Art & Sciences, so all Blount classes are taken through A&S. This chart depicts the  colleges in which the majors of Blountees are housed. For example, a student majoring in Secondary Language Arts Education would count as a member of the College of Education on this chart, although technically their minor is in the College of Arts & Sciences. You’ll notice that 59% of students are housed in A&S. This reflects the data across campus, as A&S is home to the most programs of study. Ranking second and third are the College of Engineering (15%) and the Culverhouse College of Business (10%). As you might expect for the schools with the fewest majors, the College of Nursing (1%) and the School of Social Work (2%) rank low on this chart.

Degrees: what type of Bachelor’s are Blountees pursuing?

This chart is a bit difficult to interpret, as there are so many types of Bachelor’s degrees. The biggest slices of the pie are AB (35.3%) and BS (24.2%). AB, sometimes also known as BA (which stands for artium baccalaureus or baccalaureus in artibus) is often a catchall degree for programs that don’t fall under the purview of hyperspecific degrees like BME (Bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering) and don’t meet the requirements of a BS (Bachelor’s in Science). Some of the BA programs at UA include Music, English, and Foreign Language and Literature. Blount’s two most popular majors also fall under the AB degree. BS programs range from the typical sciences (chemistry, biology, and physics) to a more specialized version of BA majors (an economics major, for example, might choose to pursue a BS instead of an AB if it suited their career goals better). Our rarest degrees are BCC (Bachelor’s of Civil and Construction Engineering, 0.3%), BAR (Bachelor’s of Architectural Engineering, 0.3%), and BSG (Bachelor’s of Science in Geology, 0.3%).

Majors: what are Blountees learning?

This bar chart shows the thirteen most common majors among Blountees. In the cohorts from which this data is drawn, there were 67 different majors represented. Our most popular major is Psychology, at 6.56%, which is housed in the College of Arts & Sciences and can be taken as a BA or a BS. History and Political Science, which many Blountees pursue as pre-law degrees, made second and third place with 6.33% and 6.11%, respectively. The full list of 67 majors is a bit difficult to read as a chart, but you can view the list here if you’d like to see all of them. Remember that this is only representative of four recent cohorts of Blountees, and some members of Blount were not sampled due to computer error. The pie chart shows the percentage of Blountees who have a single major (76.9%) or are double majoring (23.1%). Blountees tend to be high achievers, which can manifest in the form of two majors for some.

Minors: what else do members of Blount get up to?

The chart to the top right shows the top five minors of Blountees. All Blountees earn a minor in the Blount Scholars Program (a.k.a., liberal arts), but many choose to double minor to fill their time. As you can see, the top minor is Spanish (12.0%), followed by Randall (7.5%). Randall is another highly prestigious program at UA. Unlike Blount, however, Randall is housed in the Honors College and focuses mainly on research. Math (6.8%), biology (6.0%), and French (4.5%) round out the rest of the top five. It should be noted that these percentages are taken out of the number of Blountees with a second minor, rather than the total number of sampled students. The pie chart below is helpful for understanding what percentage of Blountees have one minor (36.7%) versus two or more (63.3%). Finally, the chart to the bottom right shows the top 11 minors of Blountees, including Blount (100%). If you’d like to see the full list of minors being pursued by the four cohorts sampled, you can go to the minor list page.

Still have questions?

Perhaps you’re looking for more information about how to get involved in Blount? Maybe you wanted to know what courses Blountees take to earn their minor? Did you mean to contact us? We’ve got you covered.