Blount students in Norway on a cliff overlooking a mountain range and fjord. Text reads "Blount Abroad."

Studying Abroad While Being A Blount Student

The Blount Scholars Program is flexible enough to allow students to study abroad and still complete our requirements. Although the rigor of Blount’s first-year curriculum prevents studying abroad while a freshman (and why wouldn’t you want to take Foundations and Convocation with your fellow first-years?), Blountees can easily study abroad any term thereafter.

Blount offers two types of study abroad credit: official and transfer credits. During some semesters, the Blount Scholars Program offers foreign study courses, such as the environmental science course “Alabama in Belize: Rainforests and Reefs.” These programs are specifically designed to meet Blount’s thematic seminar requirements. More frequently, however, Blountees take advantage of the wide array of international study opportunities through the University’s Capstone International Center. These opportunities can count as Blount courses, provided the courses (and the student) ascribe to the requirements below.


Scholarship for Blountees Abroad

Studying abroad can be expensive. The Blount Scholars Program works to ensure all of its members have access to a thorough liberal arts education, including exposure to other cultures. To this end, the Blount Travel Scholarship is available exclusively for members of our program to use. The only requirements are that you are a full-time student at UA (and in Blount), care about the importance of international study, and have demonstrated financial need. If you meet these requirements, apply on the Capstone International Website.