LGBTQ+ Craft Night

Blount LLC

RA Vaughn Gingerich will host a craft night during which a speaker will come from an campus partner (likely Safe Zone) to discuss LGBTQ culture and current issues, as well as to answer any questions and facilitate dialogue. Food will be provided.

Hot Topics with Dr. Carter

Blount LLC

Hot Topics will be a friendly discussion of current events moderated by Dr. Cornelius Carter. Pizza provided.

Dough-nut Miss Crossroads and Coffee

Blount LLC

RA Isabella and UA Crossroads will host a discussion about promoting cultural inclusion. We will have Krispy Kreme Doughnuts and coffee as a snack.

Tricky Trivia

Blount LLC

The program will include a game of trivia in which the residents will test their knowledge in categories such as how well do you know your RA, do you know your roommate and holiday trivia. The questions will be formulated to include elements that test the residents knowledge specifically about culture differences between themselves, roommates,

Students Without Borders Comes to Blount!

Blount LLC

RA Isabella Powell will be holding a program inviting the Students without Borders organization to come and speak about different cultures and why it is important to study abroad. There will be pizza provided for the students to eat during the discussion.

Bones, Bewitching, and Blount

Blount LLC

To celebrate this Halloween, RA Rachel and RA Camille will host a residence hall-wide costume contest as part of the floor wars competition. There will be a photo booth with David Walton taking pictures as well as an official judging panel. To fit with the fall theme, we will also have apple cider, cookies and